Training and Workshops
Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR)
ASIST First Aid Workshop
Description: Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) is a one-day workshop for health professionals that will help them better assess suicide risk, plan treatment, and manage the ongoing care of clients at-risk for suicide. Behavioral health providers play a crucial role in preventing suicides and yet, many providers report that they feel inadequately trained to assess, treat, and manage suicidal clients. AMSR meets providers’ needs for research-informed, skills-based training. AMSR is appropriate for all mental health professionals including social workers, marriage & family therapists, psychologists and licensed mental health counselors. AMSR meets the legislative mandate for training under ESHB 2366.
Learning Objectives: 1. Recognize the 24 core competencies that enable mental health professionals to assess and work effectively with individuals at risk of suicide; 2. Increase their knowledge and skills in eliciting suicide ideation, behavior, plans and intent; 3. Increase their knowledge and skills in making a clinical judgment of the short and long term risks for suicide; and 4. Increase their knowledge and skills in developing a treatment & services plan that addresses the client’s immediate, acute and continuing risk for suicidal behaviors. |
Location and Registration Interest: